Welcome to the Campus Israel Alliance

Students from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma have created this webpage as a resource for other students, community leaders, and elected officials and their staff. It is our goal to provide an accurate and up-to-date compilation of material to help each user understand the complexities of the modern day US-Israel relationship.

At ORU, the Campus Israel Alliance is a politically active group of students who love the State of Israel and have an interest in the events of the Middle East and how they affect the U.S. Our support for Israel is Biblically based, and logically supported by national security concerns. As an organization, we explore all issues relating to Israel and the U.S., including: cultural similarities, history of the region, politics, foreign policy, social justice, technology and innovation, media, and terrorism.

The CIA webpage will be updated weekly.

Monday, March 9, 2009

1st Annual Israel and the Middle East Symposium

"The Global Rise and Threat of Anti-Semitism"

On April 24, 2009, the Knesset at ORU will host the first annual symposium dedicated to raising awareness of issues facing Israel in the Middle East.

A distinguished panel of experts, both Jewish and Christian, American and Israeli, will offer their unique perspectives and insight into some of today's most volatile issues. This year's topic will focus on anti-Semitism and how this ancient form of racism not only still exists today but has taken on even more sinister characteristics.

The ORU student who wins the essay contest will have the honor of reading their essay as the official opening of the symposium.

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